4 Year Old Photographer Captures the World Through Her Eyes

APRIL 01 2023


As photographers, we often find inspiration in the most unlikely places.
This past summer, we decided to give our 4-year-old daughter a disposable film camera and let her loose to capture
some of her favourite events and experiences.


It’s now one of our checklist must-pack items for family road trips and summertime!


Framed paintings and photographs on the wall with a Canon camera hanging from a hook

She beat me to the punch as I loaded film into my new (old) Canon AE-1 for the first time. With 5 years of photography experience, I thought, no problem - I’ll have a full roll of rad photos to show her when we develop her disposable.

plot twist: I was wrong

Turns out shooting on film isn’t as easy as it seems. My first roll came back either completely underexposed or completely grain (hopefully something is off with my camera or the expired film I was using was a bit too expired)!

She captured candid moments of our friends and family, and cute staged shots of her favourite activities and toys. The best part was watching her tell everyone how to pose or what to do for the photos.

Every time we get to watch her use her camera, it reminds us of the freedom that photography can bring. She’s not embarrassed to make mistakes and she’s not critical of what “looks good” or not. To her, it’s all magical! She encouraged us to embrace our creativity and try new things again. :)

Images were shot on Fujifilm Quicksnap Flash 400 Single-Use Cameras.

Find them on Amazon: https://a.co/d/0GXmSH1

Man kneeling on a dock with fishing equipment around him loading a sardine onto a fishing hook
Woman holding a camera turned sideways in the forrest
Two barbies resting upon a cinderblock and toy truck in a backyard

© daria x ben creative co.


The Speakeasy ⭑ Photography Studio Rental in Fort Saskatchewan, AB


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