Winter Proposal at the University of Alberta Botanic Gardens

For some strange reason, in my 5+ years experience as a professional photographer (and shooting literally every genre under the sun) I had never shot a proposal. It’s not that I hadn’t been asked… I had. Many times. Like more than you can count on one hand. But, for a multitude of reasons, every. single. last. one. (all on separate occasions) had cancelled. This is a story about the first one that didn’t.

I started to think it was ME. I must have some kinda bad proposal ju-ju.
Guess there’s only one way to find out.


A week before Christmas, Mike messaged asking me if I wanted to photograph his proposal. HECK YES SIR I DO! But, I had never been to the Luminaria event at the U of A Botanic Gardens (or the gardens for quite some time). Without having a great sense of direction, we made a SUPER TOP SECRET SNEAKY PLAN to have Kelsey stand in front of him looking at me so he could get on one knee behind her. Since I had no landmarks to use and zero idea of best lighting areas prior to, I would just know when he was ready and vice versa without communicating whatsoever in person. What could go wrong?! 🫣

Locked + loaded!

Cameras ready, I showed up with my fingers and toes crossed that everything worked out perfectly. We headed to the gate together and started wandering the grounds “testing out lighting”. (It was pitch black outside other than the event lights, so this was easy to convince).

Screen shot of a text message between photographer and client detailing filling in for a photoshoot last minute after another client cancellelation

Couple holding hands staring into each other's eyes underneath an arch of lights in a winter landscape

I was trying my darnedest to avoid using direct flash as I didn’t want it to be annoying during THE MAIN EVENT. Little did Kelsey know, she was location scouting for her own proposal tehe. So, we needed to find a location that hit all of the following points:

  • Little/no people around

  • Enough space for me to back off a bit and let them have their moment

  • Bright enough to be the sole light source

Stay tuned for the part where I realize SHOCKINGLY the event coordinators put up lights WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE ARE.

Anywayssssss, after walking for a few minutes, we found this cute arch that was surprisingly bright. I thought to myself, wow, this will be no problem if every area has something like this!

Couple embracing each other in front of hanging lights and domes in a winter landscape
Black and white photo of a couple embracing each other in a winter landscape with snowflake shaped light reflections on them

We moved on from there quickly, but for the next 30 minutes every spot we stopped at had almost ZERO light or something challenging to work with like MOVING projector snowflakes or people eating dinner right inside these domes. Cool photos, not the vibe for a full blown proposal though. What starting to get mildly concerned the first spot (now 25 minutes away) was the only option. 😬

Woman sitting on top of mans lap in a winter campground with a fire burning from a fire pit in the foreground and Christmas trees in the background

We made our way back to the entrance. Without being able to communicate with Mike (wow, who would’ve thought we’d run into problems with that), I made the executive decision that the fire pit areas near the entrance were our best option. It was cold and after already walking the entire loop, I didn’t think Kelsey would be game to walk all the way back to the first arch spot we found. So, here we go, Mike. Do your thang. I’ll set y’all up and telepathically let you know IT’S GO TIME! So that’s exactly what I did. Aaaaand the moment passed with no knee-dropping. I didn’t know what to think… maybe he’s forgotten why we’re here? Poor lad just needs a little push. No problem! Let’s do that one more time, guys!

Man holding woman in winter landscape with both looking at each other contemptibly

… nope, nothing. Hmmmmmmmm. 🤨

As I stood there literally withering on the vine, Mike finally pipes up to say he really wanted to see the one trail that we didn’t walk yet (which just so happens to lead back to that very magical arch we were talking about earlier).

Ahhhhhhh, I see… this just wasn’t the place, ALRIGHTY THEN - moving on!

All the while, Kelsey is still one hundred percent oblivious. FINALLY we made it back to the arch, set up our SUPER TOP SECRET move again and pray that she would say…

Man down on one knee about to propose to his partner in a snow covered landscape with an arch of lights
Man down on one knee about to propose to his partner with partner looking at camera in a snow covered landscape with an arch of lights


Man and woman holding each other's hands  with snow falling in the background and lights behind them

Congratulations again you two adorable human beings!!! It was an absolute honour to be a part of this amazing memory. And if you’re reading this, thanks for helping me leave the bad ju-ju in the dust (even though you didn’t know about the whole I’ve never shot an actual proposal yet thing). 😜


© daria x ben creative co.


Edmonton Engagement Photo Ideas


Product Photographer + Videographer in Edmonton, Alberta