Photographers are Taking Content Pillars Too Seriously


I posted 100 Instagram Reels for photographers in 100 Days and here’s what I found out…

Around the 10th day, I realized my cute little content calendar with my colour coded content pillars weren't helping book any clients.

Instagram isn’t dead, your marketing strategy is… 👀↓




I got real sick of sitting on the sidelines while all the “big” photographers got all the bookings. Years ago, the photographers with the best photos used to get all the bookings - but, when social media entered the chat… it all changed.

Now? Photographers worry about how many followers they have as the reason they're not booking. 

We KNOW that’s not the case - but we sure do tell ourselves it is. So, instead of worrying about the number of followers I had… I focused on showing up authentically EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I had literally NO IDEA what I was doing… so I started posting educational, entertaining and inspiring content. I started seeing traction, but none of my Instagram content was converting to actual bookings. So, I did the thing I didn’t want to do - invested big $ in a marketing + sales coach. Over 3 months, I PACKED my noggin’ full and started implementing my new marketing strategy.

To be clear - NO. I don’t think you HAVE to post every single day to see results like this. When you take the time to reflect + rest when needed; more reps = more results. I wanted to challenge myself and condense what I was learning.

On top of figuring out how to edit photos you’re proud of and create a photography portfolio you actually want to show off; you’re juggling being the book-keeper, web designer, scheduler AND learning

how to market your photography business on social media.

Just when you think you might get it, Instagram changes the algorithm again. What’s the point in keeping up? 

The point...  in 100 days :

We increased our booking rate by 44%. 

We reached 1,291,936 accounts. 🫨

We gained 4,082 new followers (in our target audience).

And turned our visibility into real-life $.

Now that we found our rhythm with our social media strategy - we’re expanding on other social media platforms and dropping even more photography tips + photography business education (unhinged style). 🪩🤠

Up next: we’re focusing on Pinterest for Photographers

For more FREE photography marketing strategy tips that ACTUALLY matter check out our ‘4photogs’ and ‘coaching’ story highlight on Instagram if you want to learn how to get more eyes on your business and turn them into actual bookings. 

Finding people is one thing. But, getting them to book you is another. It’s NOT just about being consistent; it’s about being strategically consistent. We locked + loaded our photography business course, The Photographer’s Playbook, with allllll the secret sauce to our success.

Read how one of our students increased her revenue by 1615% and booked our her calendar 3 months in advance: HERE.

But, don’t miss out on the FREE education we drop on social media and email subscribers.

Jump to the bottom of the DXB Academy page and enter your email to be added to the DXB VIP list - where we’re sharing algorithm updates, insights into our daily social media findings + presale offers.

© daria x ben creative co.


How She Increased Her Photography Business Revenue by 1615% with Photography Coaching


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